Below are our policies on a few topics. If you would like more info, or if you believe we’re missing a topic, please let us know.
We will try our best to maintain our archive to the highest standards, but we cannot guarantee keeping a copy of the content we created or edited for you forever. We aim to keep a copy of all content and project files for 12 months from delivery. After that time, project files may be deleted, and original content/media may be downconverted or deleted.
We will not violate copyright in order to satisfy a client. Should any additional content be required for a project, that media will be acquired through legal means, and the licence associated with that media will be followed.
We will not include raw files from your project or event for free. Because a lot of work and skill goes in to capturing that content, and the fact that we own the copyright on the material, we require a fee in order to licence you the raw files.
If another professional media company contracts us to strictly provide raw footage, then no processing will be done on the footage before delivery. The files will be taken straight from the camera.
A refund (or reduction on the invoice price) will be given on a case-by-case basis, subject to the terms in the signed contract.